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Franco Rossi Franco Rossi posted 2009.07.14 09:38
Hello members of the bankers' network, this new feature called Facts & Rumors works in similar fashion like Twitter; but in addition your message can be seen in public and is indexed search engines.
Rating: 27

Nina Hoffmann Nina Hoffmann posted 2009.07.21 07:20
Keep hearing that US government bonds are potentially going to be downgraded...any opinions on this, please?
Rating: 20

Cosima F. Barone Cosima F. Barone posted 2009.11.04 13:10
INFERENTIAL FOCUS #162--Currencies Under G-20’s Spotlight. Europe could face resistance from the United States, and China, regarding its official call for a stronger greenback. Not yet a subscriber? Request your complimentary copy
Rating: 18

Anja Bischof Anja Bischof posted 2009.07.21 12:53
If you have an event or investor meeting to promote, post it right here where every visitor to the site can see it. Or contact me to arrange for a media partnerships and have your event posted here:
Rating: 5

Ruben Goldberg Ruben Goldberg posted 2009.07.20 19:50
Swiss minister Calmy-Rey meeting with Hillary Clinton to discuss IRS vs UBS case, I think UBS should just cut off US engagement, anybody has an opinion on this?
Rating: 5

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Maria C. Andre Maria C. Andre posted 2024.01.10 23:18
We obtain funding commitments for loans & lending institution which we would have approved for individuals & businesses. Our Business loan program is design to help start-up, grow your business, expand & project. visit:
Rating: 0

Maria C. Andre Maria C. Andre posted 2024.01.10 23:18
We obtain funding commitments for loans & lending institution which we would have approved for individuals & businesses. Our Business loan program is design to help start-up, grow your business, expand & project. visit:
Rating: 0

Maria C. Andre Maria C. Andre posted 2024.01.04 21:49
We offer a full array of credit packages, including: Revolving Credit Lines, Term Loans, Reserve-Based Lending, Securitization, Project Finance, Lease Finance, Trade Finance, and Working Capital Solutions.visit:
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Maria C. Andre Maria C. Andre posted 2024.01.09 07:58
We offer a full array of credit packages, including: Revolving Credit Lines, Term Loans, Reserve-Based Lending, Securitization, Project Finance, Lease Finance, Trade Finance, and Working Capital Solutions.visit:
Rating: 0

Maria C. Andre Maria C. Andre posted 2024.01.09 07:58
We offer a full array of credit packages, including: Revolving Credit Lines, Term Loans, Reserve-Based Lending, Securitization, Project Finance, Lease Finance, Trade Finance, and Working Capital Solutions.visit:
Rating: 0